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By Carbono Marketing
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Who are we?

We are a passionate Digital Marketing Agency from Puerto Vallarta with more than 15 years of experience specializing in developing the best digital strategies.

We offer services with a focus on results and return on investment aimed at the hotel, restaurant, tourism, and SME companies.

Carbono Marketing Especialistas en Marketing Digital 360 Carbono Marketing Especialistas en Marketing Digital 360
El equipo carbono, Carbono Marketing Especialistas en Marketing Digital 360, Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco, México

What is the Carbono Solution?

It is an effective and successful Digital Marketing strategy, applicable to any type of business.

The Carbono Digital Marketing Solution is like a carbon atom that has a 360° Nucleus and a “shell” that we call the 3T² Strategy.

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Atomo solucion carbono, Carbono Marketing Especialistas en Marketing Digital 360, Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco, México

360º Nucleus

The 360º Nucleus is Omnichannel because all the services within it are interconnected and/or coordinated so that by interacting with one another they achieve the highest volume and quality of results possible both Online & Offline.

Digital Strategy 3T²

Although already managing to execute in an interconnected and coordinated manner the cluster of services that make up the Omnichannel Nucleus 360°, the solution gains power when it is executed based on our 3T² Digital Strategy.

As its name says, this strategy is made up of 3 “T”s that mean:

Tecnologia estrategia digital carbono solution, Carbono Marketing Especialistas en Marketing Digital 360, Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco, México

01.- Technology is not only one of the essences in which we develop our strategies, but we also seek to take advantage of it to its maximum power. We are constantly searching and testing the best technological tools in order to ensure the highest possible quality of work. In the same way, we constantly seek to develop and adopt the best techniques to use in each of these tools, applying a constant methodology of development-test-analysis-adjustments, in addition to taking care that all the tools and techniques have the best possible management of sensitive information. Some of the technologies we use are mobile first, responsive design, heat maps, A/B testing, content marketing, UX/UI design, software development, etc.

Let’s imagine for a moment that your online business without technology is very similar to a “physical” business in the “real world”, where it would look totally messy, dirty, with little or no information and without enough people, poorly organized, and with almos no communication within to serve potential customers who may be arriving. It is useless to have the best prices and even to be well positioned with constant visits from prospects if you do not have the necessary technology to be able to show and facilitate the acquisition of your products and/or services.

Trafico estrategia digital carbono solution, Carbono Marketing Especialistas en Marketing Digital 360, Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco, México

02.- It is a strategy to generate qualified prospects for all your conversion goals.

This is achieved through good positioning, seeking to show, establish, and communicate your business on the internet and thus attract these prospects.

Qualified traffic means attracting prospects with the best possible characteristics in order to achieve a sale or conversion. To do this, we study in detail the profile of your business, your services, and products, as well as your target market, competition, and other factors that allow us to execute traffic strategies in different ways: SEO, CPC, CPM, CPA, social media, referrals, email, etc.

Tarifa estrategia digital carbono solution, Carbono Marketing Especialistas en Marketing Digital 360, Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco, México

03- To close the analogy, let’s finally imagine that your business already has Technology 2 and Traffic 2, this means that it is already in good working order, organized and communicated, in addition to being well positioned, so it has a constant flow of prospects qualified to acquire your products and services.

However, the conversion rate or the level of sales remains low. What can be happening? Well, all the previous effort will be minimized if someone else sells the same products as you at a lower price or with some additional advantage. Even more so when on the internet, the consumer has the ability to compare in a few clicks.

The Rate 2 strategy ensures that your services and products are competitive, in addition to having some differentiating values that offer advantages to the consumer, while at the same time giving them confidence and making them feel seen and heard.

Some of the techniques we use for this are revenue management, yield management, personalization, campaign development, promotions, packages, values, and a lot more. With them, we ensure maximum conversion or sale of services.

Copyright 2024 Carbono Marketing

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