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Contact Center

Excellent customer service is a fundamental part of the success of any business. There are people who decide not to buy from a brand again because of a bad experience with customer service. On the contrary, if customers have a pleasant experience, they are more likely to want to buy from the same company again.

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Omnichannel contact center servicios, Carbono Marketing Especialistas en Marketing Digital 360, Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco, México

High focus on service

Excellent customer service is a fundamental part of the success of any business. There are people who decide not to buy from a brand again because of a bad experience with customer service. On the contrary, if customers have a pleasant experience, they are more likely to want to buy from the same company again.

Therefore, contact centers are one of the best customer service tools. It’s even better if they are omnichannel, which allows technology to be used in order to integrate different communication channels that create a homogeneous experience.

An Omnichannel Solution

- Phone calls
- Email
- Chats
- Messages in social networks

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Powered by bitrix4 sin powered, Carbono Marketing Especialistas en Marketing Digital 360, Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco, México Una solucion omnicanal omnichannel contact center servicios, Carbono Marketing Especialistas en Marketing Digital 360, Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco, México

Three Levels of Value Offered by an Omnichannel Contact Center

Nivel eficiencia niveles de valor omnichannel contact center carbono maketing, Carbono Marketing Especialistas en Marketing Digital 360, Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco, México

Nivel 1: Efficiency

Since contact centers combine information, people and technological resources into a single solution, they are a highly efficient means of providing customer service.

Nivel satisfaccion lealtad cliente niveles de valor omnichannel contact center carbono maketing, Carbono Marketing Especialistas en Marketing Digital 360, Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco, México

Nivel 2: Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty

There is a strong relationship between high levels of customer satisfaction and business profitability. Each interaction is an opportunity to conquer your audience, and an omnichannel contact center offers the right solution to provide high quality customer service.

Nivel valor estrategico niveles de valor omnichannel contact center carbono maketing, Carbono Marketing Especialistas en Marketing Digital 360, Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco, México

Nivel 3: Strategic Value

The contact center captures customer interactions and comments, making it a powerful source of intelligence that helps businesses improve products, services and processes.

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